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Avon Clean Energy Commission Minutes 03/03/2010

                                    AVON CLEAN ENERGY COMMISSION  
                                  AVON ROOM - BUILDING #1 TOWN HALL
                                                     MARCH 3, 2010                                                     
VOTE: On a motion made by Martin Kaplan and seconded by Robert Martin, Brett Eisenlohr was nominated as acting Chairman. All voted in favor. None opposed.
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by acting Chairman Brett Eisenlohr in the Avon Room, Building 1 Town Hall.  Members present: Robert Martin, James DiPace, Brett Eisenlohr and Martin Kaplan.  Members absent: Linda Meyers, Chairman Olivier Gressier and Bernard Zahren.  Advisory members present: Giorgina Paiella and John Craig.  Advisory member absent: Diane Zhao. Also in attendance were staff member and Town Clerk Ann Dearstyne and Assistant Principal Larry Sparks of Roaring Brook School.
On a motion by Robert Martin seconded by Marty Kaplan, all agreed to accept the February 3rd minutes as presented. None opposed.
Mr. Sparks introduced himself to the members. He told of the kick-off of the energy contest at his school and also of his interest in learning more about the Commission. Mr. Martin thanked Mr. Sparks for the meeting he had had with him and felt very welcomed.
IV. OLD BUSINESS: a. Committee Reports, b. Scope of Energy Manager, c. March Town Council Meeting
Mr. Martin told of the spreadsheet Mr. Gressier e-mailed to everyone comparing the schools for the contest. Due to the newness of the contest, Mr. Martin said there wasn’t very much feedback to date. Ms. Paiella’s group met with the teachers in hopes to get them and more students involved. Mr. Sparks told of his desire to produce a video that can be presented to kids, produced by kids that show ways to save energy through turning off lights for example. Each of his classes has a representative for the “Wintergreen Committee” who serves as the official class agent to monitor energy use. He plans an assembly after the current testing (CMT) is through to show the kids the cause and effect of the things they do (energy usage). He also plans a wide broadcast to the school parents to sign up for clean energy. Ms. Dearstyne reminded that for every 100 points the Town earned (clean energy sign-ups, 20% by 2010 contest), the Town would receive a 1 kW array of solar panels. Mr. Craig said depending on the size, each panel would produce about 100 watts. Ms. Dearstyne also added that we’d need to earn 200 points before we’d receive the panels. Mr. Sparks also mentioned a “pajama day” the school would sponsor to raise awareness. He spoke of Avon’s schools’ efforts to raise awareness by, even in kindergarten, sponsoring field trips to the recycling plant. Mr. Sparks would like to have a “turn everything off” day (at the school) to perhaps coincide with Earth Day that would extend to the students’ homes (for example from 8-9 PM).
Mr. Craig told of his and Mr. DiPace’s visit to Thompson Brook School that found about a half dozen things that were easily identified as opportunities to save energy. They spoke to the teachers and came up with some simple things such as counting light bulbs as part of an audit exercise. Mr. Sparks thanked Mr. DiPace for pointing out that the small refrigerator use in each classroom could be consolidated into a shared larger unit. Mr. Craig added that the penguin is the school mascot and was a great tie in to climate change: as the oceans warm, the penguins search further and further away for food resulting in their young becoming vulnerable to starvation. Mr. DiPace mentioned that the staff could not read their meters so he urged Mr. Gressier to provide someone to teach them. Mr. Martin offered to contact Mr. Palmer in West Hartford about the meters as they have been doing this for some time. Mr. Craig suggested comparing the electric bills as a way to measure the energy use.
Ms. Dearstyne discussed the status of the RFP for the energy plan. She told the members that Ms. Robinson has completed a draft for the Energy Plan and will next work on the RFP for replacement doors at the Public Works garage. Ms. Robinson suggested a general format omitting a price as this can be negotiated later. The members make a selection after the bids come in and interview a few candidates. Mr. Martin shared his experience with the Town, saying responses to the RFP come in two parts: 1) information about their company and what they have to offer, and 2) price proposal. Interviews are held asking the same questions to all. Prices are looked at, a selection made and then the price can be negotiated. Mr. Martin also said he’d had an excellent experience with Ms. Robinson with regard to the RFP system. Ms. Dearstyne added that Ms. Robinson used the West Hartford plan for reference.
Ms. Dearstyne relayed that Mr. Zahren is planning to attend the Town Council meeting in April to discuss the Library project and suggested perhaps Mr. Gressier attend as well. Mr. Kaplan mentioned he knew a resident, Mitch Kennedy, who was very knowledgeable about LEED certification and could perhaps be consulted.  
Mr. Eisenlohr distributed a sample bulletin he’d like to use to get people’s attention to sign up for clean energy. The form provides websites for signing up for clean energy as well as directing them to the Town’s website in order to give the credit to Avon (earn solar panels). Mr. Eisenlohr suggested enhancing the website to make it easier for people to find the sign up information as well as provide easier access to the Commission’s information. Mr. Martin added that information could be set up on the website to display periodically (revolutions) rather than once.  Ms. Dearstyne suggested that information appear right in the middle of the web home page but she’d have to check with the Library who is in charge of that application. Mr. Eisenlohr reiterated the goal of 1,000 points is difficult to achieve. Mr. DiPace suggested using the schools’ website as this reaches many families and is checked often. Mr. Sparks suggested presenting this as “student driven” as it would go further. Ms. Dearstyne will research the website possibilities and get back to the members. Mr. Eisenlohr would like to have these bulletins available for circulation such as in Town offices. He will e-mail the final version to Ms. Dearstyne.
Mr. Kaplan suggested including Alex Trujillo in the discussion for the Energy Plan. He said he is doing a good job with the fleet and would also like to include the Police Department to increase awareness of excessive idling. Mr. Kaplan continued his discussion with the plan the Planning and Community Development Department had conceived in 2006 be included in the Energy Plan as well. It includes the Town Green development and protection for the aquifers, for example. Mr. DiPace suggested speaking to Mr. Steve Kushner about planning as he cautioned that there were many groups who are interested and affected by this department’s decisions. Mr. Eisenlohr concurred. Mr. Martin asked that Mr. Sparks be involved in developing the energy plan as well. Mr. Sparks responded that he’d be delighted to do so.
Mr. Eisenlohr asked Mr. Sparks what he thought would make a good prize for the contest. Mr. Sparks answered that it would probably go back into the winning school. He also mentioned possibly the “Unplugged Learning Experience.” Mr. Craig hoped that it could somehow go to the students, perhaps in the form of a pizza party. Mr. Eisenlohr agreed. He also added that the money for the prize was coming from a donor.
Mr. Kaplan expressed his concerns over the departure of Ms. Robinson in regard to handling the selection of a firm to produce an energy plan and the five town application for a shared energy manager. Ms. Dearstyne assuaged Mr. Kaplan that the Town would provide a replacement to manage ongoing projects. Mr. Kaplan also expressed his concerns that the State was attempting to take the monies earmarked for clean energy and use it to plug budget gaps and urged the members to address these issues.

Mr. Eisenlohr motioned, Mr. DiPace seconded and all agreed to adjourn the meeting at 8:10 PM. None opposed.
                                                                        Respectfully submitted:
                                                                        Acting Chairman Brett Eisenlohr
Attest: Susan Gatcomb, Clerk